DDX has been developed to make your practice more efficient while improving patient care in the era of digital dentistry.
To do so, we integrate with an ever-expanding group of leading software and hardware technology partners. So as you add technologies to your practice, if they are DDX OS Enabled, they will integrate with the DDX ecosystem to share data, streamline workflow and enhance communication.

Practice Management Software
The following practice management software applications have been certified as DDX OS Enabled to enhance communication and boost practice efficiency.
Intraoral Scanners
The following intraoral scanners have been certified as DDX OS Enabled to enhance patient care and boost practice efficiency. Cases from these scanners will be automatically inserted into your practice management software, if you are running management software with DDX workflow integration.
The following hardware devices have been certified as DDX OS Enabled to enhance practice efficiency.
DDX is ready to help you
“Now, I can just click a button right in Dentrix, and the lab prescription is pre-populated with all of my patient’s info. I attach an impression scan, click Submit, and I’m done. It takes seconds. It’s saved me and my team a huge amount of time with prescriptions. I’d say it’s cut 30% of our calls to check on return dates. And it’s free.”
“DDX has enabled my data entry people to become customer service people.”